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Written By Reduan Koh on Tuesday, September 18, 2018 | 12:31 AM

Publication Information An Anubis is a jackal-like Wesen, when they woge, their body, unlike most canid Wesen, is almost totally hairless, and their skin color is pale beige. Their most striking feature is a long snout that ends in a dog-like nose. The shape of the skull itself changes to look much more canine than human. The mouth of the Anubis is filled with sharp teeth and long canines that, paired with clawed hands, can cause significant bodily harm.

Another tell-tale aspect of their appearance is a pair of large, pointed ears that stand up and extend far above the top of the head. Anubi possess superhuman strength, and, although weaker than Grimms, they can cause them some trouble. They are also incredibly agile, able to leap from one vertical surface to another and perform other acrobatics with ease.


Anubi are a powerful Wesen with Egyptian roots and a rich history. They are known to be protective of the dead and respectful of artifacts. Thus, they are often involved with the Beati Paoli, an alliance involved with the preservation of Wesen culture. In ancient Egypt, many Wesen species were worshiped as gods; Anubi were worshiped as the protector of the dead and embalming.

The Egyptians believed that anyone buried with an Anubis would themselves become a god. This led to a horrific torture and slaughter of hundreds of slaves in search of Anubi, but only a few Anubi were ever found, and even fewer were ever successfully mummified in full woge. Anubi are strong, agile, and seemingly fearless, making them a worthy opponent for many Wesen and even Grimms.

Notable Anubis

Karl Herman

Karl Herman
  • Karl Herman
  • He was a man wanted by Interpol for various crimes related to his work, including homicide, assault, and theft. He was a member of the Beati Paoli and wanted to steal the mummy from Professor Gates' lab to give it a proper burial. After his first failed attempt in which his fellow Beati Paoli associate Bob Taylor was inadvertently shot and killed, Karl later forced Professor Gates to help him steal the mummy again, but he was stopped by Nick and Hank just in time.
Bob Taylor

Bob Taylor
  • Bob Taylor
  • He was another member of the Beati Paoli. He broke into Professor Gates' office with Karl Herman to steal the mummy inside the sarcophagus. A campus police officer spotted them, and when Karl attacked him, his gun went off and hit Bob, killing him.

  • Workman
  • When breaking down a wall at a Portland University, he discovered an unknown room with an Anubis sarcophagus.

  • Contractor
  • He was with the workman when they found the Anubis sarcophagus.
Campus Police #1

Campus Police #1
  • Campus Police #1
  • He was attacked by Karl Herman in Professor Gates' lab, and his gun was used to kill another officer, his partner.
Campus Police #3

Campus Police #3
  • Campus Police #3
  • He was seen on a film using the Kineclair projector investigating an Anubis mummy and interrogating and torturing an Anubis Prisoner. According to the Grimm Diaries, he dispatched the prisoner after learning of his mission and promised a proper burial for the Anubis mummy he sought.
Anubis Prisoner

Anubis Prisoner
  • Anubis Prisoner
  • A member of the Beati Paoli, he was seen being tortured by a Grimm on the Kineclair projector. After confessing his intentions and affiliation with the organization, he was dispatched by an unidentified Grimm once he was assured that the mummy he sought would receive a proper burial.
Related Post : Source : Wikipedia / grimm.wikia
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