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Written By Reduan Koh on Monday, September 17, 2018 | 11:37 PM

Wesen is a collective term used to describe the creatures visible to the Grimms. They are the basis not only of the fairy tales that the Brothers Grimm have compiled, but also of the many legends and folklore from many cultures.

When Wesen woge, they are able to recognize a Grimm by looking into their eyes. They can see an "infinite darkness" in a Grimm's eyes that allows a Wesen to see their reflection, where they can see their true Wesen nature. Many Wesen find it unsettling to see themselves reflected, and Monroe and Rosalee told Nick that it took some time for them to get used to it. Wesen were once worshiped as gods in Egypt, hence why many Egyptian gods, such as Anubis, Bastet, Tefnut, Ammit, and Khepri, are depicted with animal-like features. A few thousand years ago, thousands of slaves were tortured in search of Anubis, and a few of them were successfully mummified fully woged.

Publication Information
  • Grimm : Wesen
  • Version : Creatures visible to Grimm
  • Type : Who's possessing incredible powers
  • Basis : Fairy tales
  • Appeareance : Grimm
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The Beati Paoli are a group of Wesen that formed in the 17th century who are fully against the display of deceased Wesen for the world to see, and they go after things like museums, archaeological digs, antique auction houses, and sometimes private Wesen collectors if the collector is trafficking stolen Wesen antiquities. Most Wesen do not condone their methods, but they often have the same disapproving opinion of deceased Wesen being on display. During and before the Fourth Crusade, Wesen were used to fight in the armies of the Royal families, who used the Grimms to control and police their Wesen armies. Over the years, the Royal families either lost so much global power and influence that they could no longer use the Wesen as armies, or they had no need for Wesen soldiers and let the creatures spread across the world.


To date, if there has been a study on Wesen origins, it has not surfaced. Wesen are liminal, that is, they display two states of existence simultaneous within one physical body. Physiologically, Wesen are parahuman, exhibiting two distinct sets of DNA within the same system. When in human form, Wesen are, by all accounts, physiologically that way and thus, can pass as human. However, certain aspects about them still sets them apart from the rest of humanity, such as the addictive effects that Jay has upon them and their susceptibility to the Yellow Plague. Certain species are also susceptible to specific Wesen diseases, such as a rare blood disease that affects canid Wesen and turns them into Wældreór, a rare genetic disease affecting Indole Gentile called Kallikantzaroi, and a rare genetic disease affecting only Blutbaden that turns them into Lycanthropes during the three nights of the full moon. Every creature encountered by Nick Burkhardt is Wesen.


Some species, such as Blutbaden and Fuchsbaus, will perform an action called Vertrautheiten, which is a way for two different species to start trusting each other more, as being very close to another being is a special and sacred thing for Wesen. They let another Wesen get close enough to "memorize" their scent. To complete the action, the Wesen involved woge and then smell and rub up against each other on both sides of the other's face. If Wesen force their woge too many times and too often, their Wesen side can eventually start to take over, a situation known as the Umkippen. If a Wesen is suffering from the Umkippen, their Wesen side could get out of control and completely eclipse any shred of humanity left if one does not go through some form of intervention. The suffering Wesen suffers blackouts and doesn't remember anything during the time that they lose control


The complexity of Wesen genetics can be hard to understand, but Monroe and Rosalee explained a few things, In a grundfalsch or grundverschiedene mixed-Wesen relationship, there is a Vorherrscher the offspring will be the "more dominant" Wesen type. There are health risks for the developing offspring, of course.



In some cases, genetics can get more complicated when it comes to hybrids. It is possible for the offspring of a human and a Wesen, such as a Hexenbiest, to not be able to woge fully and only have parts of their face and/or other body parts woge as with the case of Sean Renard. It is also possible for the DNA of one Wesen species to be spliced with the DNA of another while in utero, which is what Dr. Higgins did with her son, Pierce. Doing so caused Pierce to experience something equivalent to a split personality disorder, where he could woge into both his Genio Innocuo self and his Löwen self, though his Löwen side would come out without him realizing it, and it would only do so to protect him or eliminate threats/competition from his life. However, since this transformation was the result of forced genetics, it is left unclear what would happen if the two species had bred naturally.


There have been a total of 132 Wesen species encountered, mentioned, seen in a diary or seen in Rosalee's spice shop books. There have also been 17 other species seen or mentioned in the Grimm comics, 1 species in the novels, and 2 species that have never been seen or mentioned anywhere except for on the Season 1 DVD packaging and in Aunt Marie's Book of Lore.
  1. Alpe : Nightmare creature
  2. Anubis : Jackal-like creature
  3. Apgadnieks : Husky-like creature
  4. Aswang : Ghoul-like creature
  5. Ataktos Fuse : Cicada-like creature
  6. Balam Balam : Jaguar-like creature
  7. Barbatus Ossifrage : Bearded vulture-like creature
  8. Bauerschwein : Pig-like creature
  9. Blutbad : Wolf-like creature
  10. Coyotl : Coyote-like creature
  11. Cracher-Mortel : Puffer fish-like creature
  12. Cupiditas : Cupid-like creature
  13. Dämonfeuer : Dragon-like creature
  14. Dickfellig : Rhinoceros-like creature
  15. Drang-Zorn : Badger-like creature
  16. Eisbiber : Beaver-like creature
  17. El Cucuy : Bogeyman-like creature
  18. El Cuegle : Monster-like creature
  19. Excandesco : Devil-like creature
  20. Folterseele : Frog-like creature
  21. Fuchsbau : Fox-like creature
  22. Fuchsteufelwild : Goblin-like creature
  23. Fuilcré : Ox-like creature
  24. Furis Rubian : Horned toad-like creature
  25. Gedächtnis Esser : Octopus-like creature
  26. Geier : Vulture-like creature
  27. Gelumcaedus : Alligator-like creature
  28. Genio Innocuo : Tortoise-like creature
  29. Gevatter Tod : Assassin bug-like creature
  30. Glühenvolk : Alien-like creature
  31. Hasenfussige Schnecke : Blobfish-like creature
  32. Hässlich : Troll-like creature
  33. Heftigauroch : Bull-like creature
  34. Hexenbiest : Witch-like creature
  35. Zauberbiest : Warlock-like creature
  36. Höllentier : Hellhound-like creature
  37. Hundjäger : Hound dog-like creature
  38. Huntha Lami Muuaji : Flatworm-like creature
  39. Indole Gentile : doe-faced creature
  40. Inugami : Ghost dog-like creature
  41. Jägerbar : Bear-like creature
  42. Jinnamuru : Fly-like creature
  43. Kackenkopf : Dung beetle-like creature
  44. Kitsune : Fox-like creature
  45. Klaustreich : Alley cat-like creature
  46. Königschlange : King cobra-like creature
  47. Koschie 309-Koschie : Radioactive skeleton man-like creature
  48. Krampus : Anti-Santa creature
  49. Lausenschlange : Snake-like creature
  50. Lebensauger : Leech-like creature
  51. Löwen : Lion-like creature
  52. Luisant-Pêcheur : Otter-like creature
  53. Luison : Wolf-like creature
  54. Malin Fatal : Boar-like creature
  55. Manticore : Half lion, half scorpion-like creature
  56. Matança Zumbido : Electric eel-like creature
  57. Mauvais Dentes : Saber-toothed cat-like creature
  58. Mauzhertz : Mouse-like creature
  59. Mellifer : Bee-like creature
  60. Murciélago : Bat-like creature
  61. Musai : Muse-like creature
  62. Musasat Alsh-Shabab : Scarab beetle-like creature
  63. Naiad : Mermaid-like creature
  64. Nuckelavee : Horse-like creature
  65. Pflichttreue : White panther-like creature
  66. Phansigar : Komodo dragon-like creature
  67. Quijada Vil : Gila monster-like creature
  68. Raub-Kondor : Condor-like creature
  69. Reinigen : Rat-like creature
  70. Schakal : Jackal-like creature
  71. Scharfblicke : Owl-like creature
  72. Schinderdiv : Warthog-like creature
  73. Seelengut : Sheep-like creature
  74. Seltenvogel : Rare bird-like creature
  75. Siegbarste : Ogre-like creature
  76. Skalengeck : Lizard-like creature
  77. Skalenzahne : Crocodile-like creature
  78. Spinnetod : Spider-like creature
  79. Stangebär : Porcupine-like creature
  80. Steinadler : Hawk-like creature
  81. Taureus-Armenta : Minotaur-like creature
  82. Taweret : Hippopotamus-like creature
  83. Uhranuti : Falcon-like creature
  84. Ungeziefer Greifer : Weasel-like creature
  85. Unnamed Red Herring-like Wesen : Red herring-like creature
  86. Varme Tyv : Snake-like creature
  87. Vibora Dorada : Chimeric snake-like creature
  88. Vulpesmyrca : Black fox-like creature
  89. Wældreór : Diseased canid-like creature
  90. Wasser Zahne : Aquatic reptile-like creature
  91. Wendigo : Cannibal-like creature
  92. Weten Ogen : Lynx-like creature
  93. Wettbewerbsgewinner : Avian + reptilian-like creature
  94. Wildermann : Bigfoot-like creature
  95. Wildesheer : Wolf-like creature
  96. Willahara : Rabbit-like creature
  97. Yaguaraté : Jaguar-like creature
  98. Ziegevolk : Goat-like creature
  1. Riesen-Ratte : Giant rat-like creature
  2. Zerstörer : Destroyer-like creature
Mentioned / Seen in Grimm Diaries only Wesen
  1. Abartige Aasfresser : Hyena-like creature
  2. Abath : Shark-like creature
  3. Amarok : Yeti-like creature
  4. Ammit : Chimera-like creature
  5. Augapfel-Aushacken : Bird-like creature
  6. Bastet : Feliform-like creature
  7. Bhari Kadama : Elephant-like creature
  8. Curupira :
  9. Empousai : Chimera-like creature
  10. Faeteo fatalis : Skunk-like creature
  11. Fétide Taillader :
  12. Fossegrim : Frog-like creature
  13. Gefrierengeber :
  14. Handwerksburschen : Goblin-like creature
  15. Karkinos : Giant crab-like creature
  16. Khepri : Beetle-like creature
  17. Leshy :
  18. Lob Hombre : Wolf-like creature
  19. Mordstier : Bull-like creature
  20. Peau de la Mort :
  21. Rißfleisch : Tiger-like creature
  22. Rotznasig Carcaju : Wolverine-like creature
  23. Sairento Shi : Mantis-like creature
  24. Sangrienta Manos :
  25. Schneetmacher :
  26. Shnabeltiermörder : Platypus-like creature
  27. Tefnut : Lion-like creature
  28. Trasque : Dragon-like creature
  29. Ukufu Okusheshayo : Cheetah-like creature
  30. Volkodlak : Wolf-like creature
  31. Waage : Raccoon-like creature
Mentioned in Rosalee's books only Wesen
  1. Schmerzen-Kaninchen : Rabbit-like creature
Unused Wesen
  1. Grauhund : Greyhound-like creature
  2. Spokelseshorn : Skeletal elk-like creature
Related Post : Source : Wikipedia / grimm.wikia
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